I'll share some items I have "discovered" by playing with POV-Ray tha can be useful for someone else:
- the object Ambient light used by Wings is not exported to POV-Ray (see next item); (it's available nowadays)
- the value of parameter global_settings->ambient_light in the .pov file comes from POV-Ray exporter dialog -> Emissive Filter;
- in case you has noticed that the value of the property ambient (from material) has no effect in the final result, take a look at .pov file and check if its value is 0 (wings default value is 1). If we want that value be exported is necessary to uncheck the field Use material Emit for POV-Ray Ambient in Edit -> Plug-in Preferences -> POV-Ray;
- wings and POV lights equivalence: spot = spotlight or cylinder; area = area_light; infinite = parallel; pointer = "generic";
- there is the possibility to set a light for not produce shadows by using shadowless property; (but, we need to hack the .pov file. This option is not present in the light object in Wings - I want add some new features not implemented yet)