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What Camera Mode Do You Use? - Printable Version

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RE: What Camera Mode Do You Use? - oort - 01-08-2013

Quote: But we don't say our camera is better

We might not but I would... Wink


RE: What Camera Mode Do You Use? - optigon - 01-08-2013

(01-08-2013, 06:33 PM)oort Wrote:
Quote: But we don't say our camera is better

We might not but I would... Wink


The Wings camera has its advantages.

For one, you can back out of a tumble by pressing the RMB.

Also, from a development point of view, because it's modal -- meaning you have to enter into camera mode by clicking MMB -- case separation is built in. This means that modifiers could be used inside the camera mode to activate features unique to the camera, and the same modifiers could be used out side for things like Tweak, Menus, and Selections.

RE: What Camera Mode Do You Use? - Fonte Boa - 01-08-2013

Mirai Camera is better than Wings one. It can do everything Wings Camera does, and it has a real and accurate Dolly (and not by increments). As i dont use any of them, i feel it is very strange (and burocratic) have to mmb click to start camera and again mmb click to confirm the changes... ALL the others ones (except Nendo) allow instant results: doesnt this mean nothing??? Wink

Optigon, a solution like Tweak camera wouldnt be possible (and convenient)? All mod keys would be free up and Tweak and Wings cameras would be unified! Could you please answer me about this? Thanks for your attention.

RE: What Camera Mode Do You Use? - puzzledpaul - 01-09-2013

(01-08-2013, 11:15 PM)Fonte Boa Wrote: i feel it is very strange (and burocratic) have to mmb click to start camera and again mmb click to confirm the changes... ALL the others ones (except Nendo) allow instant results: doesnt this mean nothing??? Wink

Unsure how 'instant' results are obtained in Maya mode (using this as an ex since it's been mentioned before)

I see little (if any) conceptual difference between having to hold down the Alt key prior to messing around ... messing around ... then releasing Alt (to accept)

and pressing mmb to start cam mode, messing around ... and accepting with lmb (in wings mode)

Whilst they're using different approaches, in both cases cam mode can only be started / stopped by doing 'something'

or am I missing something?


RE: What Camera Mode Do You Use? - optigon - 01-09-2013

(01-08-2013, 11:15 PM)Fonte Boa Wrote: Mirai Camera is better than Wings one. It can do everything Wings Camera does, and it has a real and accurate Dolly (and not by increments).
Smooth dolly/zoom can easily be added to the Wings3d camera.

(01-08-2013, 11:15 PM)Fonte Boa Wrote: As i dont use any of them, i feel it is very strange (and burocratic) have to mmb click to start camera and again mmb click to confirm the changes... ALL the others ones (except Nendo) allow instant results: doesnt this mean nothing??? Wink
If you are used to one way, any other is going to feel strange. There is no way to please everyone. Keeping things in perspective, it's just the camera, and that constitutes 2 or 3 repetitive which are easily learned.

(01-08-2013, 11:15 PM)Fonte Boa Wrote: Optigon, a solution like Tweak camera wouldnt be possible (and convenient)? All mod keys would be free up and Tweak and Wings cameras would be unified! Could you please answer me about this? Thanks for your attention.
This was to facilitate an inline camera strategy while in mid tweak. It's not really suitable for the main camera.

RE: What Camera Mode Do You Use? - oort - 01-09-2013

Quote:Smooth dolly/zoom can easily be added to the Wings3d camera.

Will it be added any time soon? Tongue It had been so long since I had used Nendo camera mode I forgot how nice smooth dolly/zoom was. Maybe if this was added we could get PC to convert to Wings3D camera mode... Biggrin


RE: What Camera Mode Do You Use? - puzzledpaul - 01-09-2013

(01-09-2013, 04:12 PM)oort Wrote: Maybe if this was added we could get PC to convert to Wings3D camera mode... Biggrin


... so the moon IS made of Stilton? Smile


RE: What Camera Mode Do You Use? - Fonte Boa - 01-09-2013

Quote:Smooth dolly/zoom can easily be added to the Wings3d camera.

Nice to know. Smile

Three questions:
(a) why dont you adopt Mirai Camera? Very similar to Wings Camera, but with zoom already implemented... Cant understand.
(b) Both Mirai and Wings cameras have a strange pan behaviour: you drag the mouse in some direction, pan occurs in opposite direction. What do you think about it? Is it possible to change this?
© Will this be really mandatory? Will you really eliminate all camera modes to keep just one? If so, to adequate my Wings workflow, can i begin to work with Wings Camera to accustom with it?

Quote:Unsure how 'instant' results are obtained in Maya mode (using this as an ex since it's been mentioned before) I see little (if any) conceptual difference between having to hold down the Alt key prior to messing around ... messing around ... then releasing Alt (to accept) and pressing mmb to start cam mode, messing around ... and accepting with lmb (in wings mode)
Whilst they're using different approaches, in both cases cam mode can only be started / stopped by doing 'something'
or am I missing something?

Hard to explain, Paul, but i'll try.
Maya, Blender, Max cameras work by holding a modifier key and a mouse key, drag mouse and release the keys.
Mirai, Wings cameras work different way. Tumble requires mmb click to start and lmb to end (one key more). Tumble is always on (it strange for me, but it seems cool when familiarized).
Clicking on mmb isnt the most confortable act to me (hold it to drag mouse is more common): i am a little afraid about ergonomic aspects with the time of use...

well, no pain, no gain... I'll try to adopt Wings Camera if this is official from Optigon. I am just awaiting for a clear definition about this...

RE: What Camera Mode Do You Use? - puzzledpaul - 01-10-2013

(01-09-2013, 11:28 PM)Fonte Boa Wrote:
Quote:Unsure how 'instant' results are obtained in Maya mode ...

Hard to explain, Paul, but i'll try.
Maya, Blender, Max cameras work by holding a modifier key and a mouse key, drag mouse and release the keys.
Mirai, Wings cameras work different way. Tumble requires mmb click to start and lmb to end (one key more).

My initial query was with your use of the word 'instant' ... which, to me, implies that a feature / function is available to the user without them having to do 'something extra' before doing what they actually want to do.

In the case of both Wings and Maya modes, user has (in my terms) instant access to dolly (scroll wheel) and pan (arrow keys) ... because user gets a response as soon as they use the appropriate 'switch'.

Other functions (or the same functions via a different route) are unavailable to user unless they 'do' something else ... in Wings - mmb, in Maya - press (and hold) Alt.

If user doesn't do these, then the mouse is dead (apart from scroll wheel, as previously mentioned).

My comments on this discussion are purely from what I consider to be a logical viewpoint - I have no say in what's going to happen.

If, for instance, all modes using mod keys are dumped - I can't see why other mod key free modes can't continue to be supported ... or, in fact different mod key modes from those already implemented - eg A wings mode that also uses mmb to accept (with user pref for keystroke duration?) ... then mmb would do it all.


RE: What Camera Mode Do You Use? - PeterC (PC) - 01-10-2013

(01-09-2013, 04:12 PM)oort Wrote: Maybe if this was added we could get PC to convert to Wings3D camera mode

Maybe Biggrin Though you'd probably also have to take away Mirai mode to force me to chage over Tongue
Mirai mode uses MMB hold for dolly, while W3D uses it for panning. Fighting years worth of muscle-memory to unlearn that would be one annoying pain in the boot'ey :}
But yea, if it came to it.. I'd use W3D mode Cool