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Cardinal Spline Code in Erlang ... - Printable Version

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Cardinal Spline Code in Erlang ... - ggaliens - 02-04-2016

%% TEST : cardinal_spline([0.0,0.0,  1.0,0.0,  1.0,1.0,  0.0,0.0], 12)
cardinal_spline(PTS0, PolyKind, Segments)
    when PolyKind == polygon orelse PolyKind == polyline ->
    Len0 = length(PTS0),
    First = lists:nth(1,PTS0),
    Second = lists:nth(2,PTS0),
    Last = lists:last(PTS0),
    SecondToLast = lists:nth(Len0-1,PTS0),
    if (PolyKind == polyline) ->
        PTS = [First] ++ PTS0 ++ [Last]; %% First and last should really be displaced a little ?
    true ->
        PTS = [SecondToLast,Last] ++ PTS0 ++ [First,Second]  

    Tension = 0.7,
    Len = length(PTS),
    _Pts = fun(I0) ->
        I = I0 + Len,
        lists:nth((I rem Len) + 1,PTS)
    Fun = fun
        (I, Acc) ->
            lists:foldl(fun(T, Acc1) ->
                %% calc tension vectors
                {T1X,T1Y,T1Z} = e3d_vec:mul(e3d_vec:sub(_Pts(I+1),_Pts(I-1)), Tension),
                {T2X,T2Y,T2Z} = e3d_vec:mul(e3d_vec:sub(_Pts(I+2),_Pts(I)), Tension),
                %% calc step
                ST = 1.0 * T / Segments,
                %% calc cardinals
                C1 =   2.0 * pow(ST,3.0)  - 3.0 * pow(ST,2.0) + 1.0,
                C2 = -(2.0 * pow(ST,3.0)) + 3.0 * pow(ST,2.0),
                C3 =         pow(ST,3.0)  - 2.0 * pow(ST,2.0) + ST,
                C4 =         pow(ST,3.0)  -       pow(ST,2.0),
                {X0,Y0,Z0} = e3d_vec:add( e3d_vec:mul(_Pts(I),C1) , e3d_vec:mul(_Pts(I+1),C2)) ,
                {X,Y,Z} =
                    {X0,Y0,Z0} ,
                    e3d_vec:mul({T1X,T1Y,T1Z},C3) ,
            Acc, lists:seq(0,Segments-1))
    RP1 = lists:foldl(Fun, [], lists:seq(1,length(PTS)-0)),
    case PolyKind of
        polyline ->  _RichPath =  lists:sublist(RP1,3*Segments,length(RP1)-3*Segments+1);
        polygon ->  _RichPath =  lists:sublist(RP1,3*Segments,length(RP1)-4*Segments)