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Does the mormal map inverted in Wings3D? - Printable Version

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Does the mormal map inverted in Wings3D? - micheus - 03-12-2016

Somebody else has noticed that or It's just me doing something wrong?
[Image: NormalMap-Issue_zpsa6f56400.png]
A sunk relief in the tomb is what I'm looking for. That's why it seems something is wrong with normal map routine in Wings3D.

The light (one) is top\front\left in the rendered scene - similar location of the two lights used by Wings3D to show up the normal map effect.

RE: Does the mormal map inverted in Wings3D? - ggaliens - 03-12-2016

Did the aliens attack ?

RE: Does the mormal map inverted in Wings3D? - micheus - 03-14-2016

I ended up to discover the "problem" is in the normal map plugin of Gimp.
I had just defined a negative value to scale, but it seems to be necessary play with Options->Invert X too.
[Image: tomb_normal_compare_zpsnkkc1xv3.jpg]

Here is the final result - the shadows are in the right place now:
[Image: Result_Gimp_neg_X_zpsb47b4aa7.jpg]