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Crashes when using Hole and then collapsing remains - Printable Version

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Crashes when using Hole and then collapsing remains - Solone - 02-14-2013

I'm building a car chassis. I was removing a bar of the chassis with Hole by first selecting an edge then its neighbours using (g hotkey) and converting that selection to faces. Hole worked fine, but then removing the 4 open edges by collapsing produces a vertex which is ok. When I seek to collapse the vertex to have a clean quad an error message pops up about hotkeys from previous versions.

Below is the crash dump. I'm on a windows 7 Core 2 Duo Acer travelmate 6492 laptop with 2GB of RAM.

Dump written 2013-2-15_3-49
Version: 1.4.1
Window: geom
Reason: function_clause

Short stack trace:

Long stack trace:

RE: Crashes when using Hole and then collapsing remains - Ran13 - 02-20-2013

Although Wings shouldn't crash, the "Hole" command doesn't do what you're thinking it does.

Wings requires closed meshes. When you choose faces and call the "Hole" command, the faces no longer render in the viewport, nor export, but they ~still exist~, due to Wings' aforementioned need for closed meshes. (The reason it is like this is a long story that I won't bore you with at this time.)

In essence, when you collapse the (apparently, but not really) open edges to a vert, then try to collapse the vert, you are creating a malformed face... which should throw an error, not crash... but it's like the old joke...

"Doc, it hurts when I do that!"
"Well... don't do that!"


RE: Crashes when using Hole and then collapsing remains - sbseed - 03-12-2013

that sure is helpfull, glad i havent spent hours and days/weeks/months looking for a way to get rid of the damned 'holes' just so i can get corn for an answer...

awesome... and here i thought comedy was dead, oh wait i guess it is since all im hearing now is squeaks and hisses from that dead horse getting beat still.

now, is there anyone that has more than one brain cell (maybe you can then create a spark) in there head that might actually spark an idea as to how to remove holes completely and fix the CTD issue.... you know as a possible temporary workaround.

for anyone who might care or have a answer/workaround/something usefull outside of 'try not to create them' garbage, here is the dump text(since i cant upload it):
Dump written 2013-3-12_9-49
Version: 1.4.1
Window: autosaver
Reason: function_clause

Short stack trace:

Long stack trace:

so, is there a way to change the line attributes or anything else with a mesh you are working on to get rid of the holes... like trying to create a backface mesh or something, that might actually be helpfull.

RE: Crashes when using Hole and then collapsing remains - micheus - 03-12-2013

I think I have half of a cerebral cell, then I may not be so helpful... Rolleyes
Take a look at this thread from this post

You dump says: Window: autosaver, that means the error had occurred in auto save process...
...and, as the stack trace point to renumber operation I would suggest you to select the whole object and in [B]ody mode use Cleanup from context menu. Maybe, this can eliminate that malformed object - wrong data (sometimes work).

All that thing about Wings3d required closed mesh is true. So, we need to learn how to deal with that. Sorry.

RE: Crashes when using Hole and then collapsing remains - Ran13 - 03-14-2013

Me and my more than one brain cell have determined that you need to know the tool you are using or you may cut your f$@#ing fingers off...

fuck it... why do I bother... so many assholes to piss off, so little time...

I'm outta here.

RE: Crashes when using Hole and then collapsing remains - oort - 03-14-2013

Please don't abandon those of us who appreciate your knowledge. Just ignore the few that don't know Wings, or even 3D, well enough to understand the advice you give or who are easily offended... I saw nothing in your response but great information...Smile
