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create face? - Printable Version

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create face? - mireazma - 02-25-2013

Hi there.
I need to create faces based on an edge selection (loop) or vertices. I tried vertices - connect and it only worked in some cases; couldn't create a face as to fill a gap in a solid. I had to select another face and delete it (with hole) and then I could connect the 3 verts for the initial face. But this time the new hole couldn't be filled with this approach. But even so, how can I fill a hole having the "rim" selected?

RE: create face? - Fonte Boa - 02-25-2013

Can you provide a practical example or a picture showing the situation?

RE: create face? - mireazma - 02-25-2013

For example, if you make a cube and get rid of one face. How do you put it back?

RE: create face? - Fonte Boa - 02-25-2013

Quote:if you make a cube and get rid of one face

How do you get rid of a cube face, mireazma?

I have to ask you this because it seems there is a concept problem here. Wings is a box modelling software, what means all the geometry generated by it is "closed". It isnt possible to make an edge-by-edge modelling in Wings.

So i am imagining how would you eliminate a face of a cube.
If you make this by selecting that face and calling the command Face|Hole, i would answer you: select any face adjacent to the hole and click on Face|Hole command using right mouse button. This will "fill" that hole, "generating" again the missing face.

There may be, for sure, situations at which you have to build yourself a face starting from verts, edges or faces already present in geometry. For these cases, there are possible solutions, but each case will be an specific situation: that is because i was asking for an example. Usually connect vertices are the method i use to manually build faces when needed (specially in subdividing process).

At 4'15" of the following video, i dissolve some faces (but not generating holes) and rebuild the space that was filled before by them:

Anyway, i would say: there are no real "holes" in Wings. All the geometry is "closed", and if you want a hole you will have to build one, ie, an "opening" in a wall or in anything that has thickness. Smile

I would really like to view the situation you mentioned in your first post.

RE: create face? - Wegg - 02-25-2013

Wings 3D is a winged edge modeler. As such, technically it shouldn't even be possible to delete a polygon and have it create a "hole". You can more recently flag polygons as being holes but internally it still sees geometry there. . . it just doesn't show it to you.

A "best practice" when modeling in wings is to never make holes. Just put everything that you want to be a hole into a new surface material that you can then flag as "hole" just before you export out your model.

Does that make sense?

RE: create face? - mireazma - 02-25-2013

I'm clumsy when it comes to modelling and can't think very much ahead so I go the raw step by step way. And yes, I'm used to CAD like approach like drawing profiles and generate 3D off them.
Interesting use of scale axis -- I bet many such cool tricks can be made in Wings if you know how to use the commands.
Fonte Boa, that's exactly what I meant and what I wanted.
Wow Wegg, I wouldn't know! IMHO it's a simple approach but unpredictable; it requires some "patching" by developers like eliminating it from an eventual vector of faces, as well as related calculations, exporting issues etc. but if the nature of Wings demands it...

Thank you both for willingness and information.

RE: create face? - Wegg - 02-26-2013

For me, this method of modeling forces me to make good models. No triangles, no n-gons. Perfect deformations and displacements. When you start doing lots of manual connect the dots type modeling. . . it may get you there slightly quicker but there is nothing worse than a bad model on a deadline. Way too late to go back and fix/re-render.