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Bottle Transparency. - Printable Version

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Bottle Transparency. - Ravyn - 03-03-2013

This is something I've been wondering about for awhile now but put off asking about. Why do the bottles with the hole material look like bottle on the right in the linked image. The left one is intruded & looks OK.. However.. When they are imported into Bryce, they both have the same dark splotches.

RE: Bottle Transparency. - oort - 03-03-2013

I assume you used the hole material at the top of the bottle where the cork would go... this will give you a wall thickness of zero for the bottle.

Using intrude gives you a wall thickness but maybe you are not making it thick enough for Bryce???


RE: Bottle Transparency. - Ravyn - 03-03-2013

I forgot to say that those were Wings screenshots.
I've tried adjusting the wall thickness, made the inside transparent, used hide, etc. Not seems to get rid of the blotches in Wings.
I guess maybe it doesn't matter as long as the models render the way they should.

So.. I clicked post instead of preview.. LOL .. Yes.. I used the hole from the top.

Thanks Much for your quick answer.

RE: Bottle Transparency. - oort - 03-04-2013

I just tried with intrude and with hole material at top and I don't see the problem (first image you posted) in either object in Wings3D, . Maybe that is an issue with your video card???

In your first post you said they both show dark splotches when imported into Bryce. In your second post you say you can't get rid of the blotches in Wings... so I am a bit confused...Undecided

Are you talking about the black blotches in the second image (Bryce Render) you posted??? Yet you say it does not matter as long as the models render the way they should....


RE: Bottle Transparency. - Ravyn - 03-05-2013

Actually this is a problem I've had with Wings on 2 different machines since I started using it about 10 years ago. The old pc had a top of the line (at that time) ATI graphics card. This one uses a decent Invidia card. It is the only problem I've ever had with Wings. I've just avoided using bottles in anything so it hasn't really been a problem till now.
I have an Apothecary (part of an ongoing project) that's been waiting for bottles for a couple of years & I'm trying to finish it up so I just got curious enough to ask about the splotches. Sometimes they only show up in another program (Bryce, Poser etc..) Other times I see them in Wings, like the first image I posted. Second image was Bryce just to show that they still render normally.
Since this is probably going to remain a personal project rather then commercial, it doesn't make a lot of difference. As I said I was just curious (NOT COMPLAINING) & I'm sorry I if I wasn't clear.

RE: Bottle Transparency. - oort - 03-05-2013

I didn't think you were complaining but feel free to do that... Smile

If you are going to be rendering glass you might want to give the New YafaRay a try. You can get the plug-in for it on my website. YafaRay does very nice glass...Cool

Based on the Bryce render it looks like you are doing some kind of old crusty glass. I will have to see if I can make old crusty glass with YafaRay... Smile


RE: Bottle Transparency. - micheus - 03-05-2013

Ravyn, I make a similar bottle here and the result was the same. You just will not see it if you are using One Light on View menu.
It seems to be an OpenGL issue.

When you use too objects very close (touching each other) - like the liquid inside the bottle - you can get that issue in some renders. Bellow is an image where the liquid was scaled a few less than glass repository in order to avoid that black artifacts (you see in left side of picture):
[Image: vidroperfumeinicio.jpg]
it was rendered with POV-Ray.