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UV background missing - Printable Version

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UV background missing - orbiter - 11-08-2016

I have come back to a model I was half way through. When I go to fine tune some of the UV mapping all I get is the standard "ABCDABCD" checker board not the image attached to the material.

As can be seen from the attachment the images are there and they fit on to the model ( it might not be a great model but it is at least coloured in)

The material has the right image name, the image is seen in the Outliner window and the right material is applied to the surface.

When I select a face and then Right mouse to select UV mapping instead of the nice background image I just get the daft checkerboard "auvBG"

I really do not want to have to lay out all my UV again!!!
Help please nice people

RE: UV background missing - micheus - 11-08-2016

Not sure what happened, but if you say you already UV mapped the mesh and there is the proper material assigned to it, then in this case you can just reassign the correct image to the diffuse map of the material.
If you are in v2.1.* you can used drag and drop, if you are in lower version you can use Pick image (over the image name - Outline) and Drop picked image (over the material name).

RE: UV background missing - orbiter - 11-08-2016

Micheus, sir, thanks for the quick response.
Tried dropping but with no luck.
Just as a last ditch method I re created the texture and it worked. Moved to another face with the same material and that seemed ok. Tried the same on another face/material and re created that..... so far so good.
Looks like I just have to recreate each of the textures just on a single face and the others are sorted.
Will post updates!

RE: UV background missing - micheus - 11-08-2016

Maybe I understood you wrong, but...

Each material can have only one texture assigned to it.
If you have many faces sharing the same material you must select all of them and then apply the UV mapping. You will get as many islands as you have cut the mesh (segmenting).
You cannot simply UV map one face, create the textured material and assign it to another face that was not yet UV mapped.

RE: UV background missing - orbiter - 11-08-2016

Ok the background on the UV map changes to the correct image. The problem now is it does it for EVERY single face no matter what material (and texture).!!