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RE: Povray crash Linux v2.2.5 - nigec - 01-29-2020

I installed Ubuntu-18.04.3 and W3D v2.2.5 on VirtualBox and the crash I experienced with Raspbian doesn't happen, I installed Povray and it will render a 1920x1080 and display the image in W3D.

So it does appear to be an issue with Raspbian.

VirtualBox is using 16meg of video memory here and opened that big image quickly

RE: Povray crash Linux v2.2.5 - micheus - 01-30-2020

Nigec thanks for the feedback.
Now you have tip about were to look for the problem since you was building that Raspbian version by yourself. Smile
Maybe some graphic library/header (or wx issues since the images preview uses its resources.

RE: Povray crash Linux v2.2.5 - nigec - 01-30-2020

On Ubuntu I need to install Erlang, which I did from their website instructions I used the file
It might be worth mentioning that on the website, the errors in console doesn't really suggest you need to install Erlang

The .Desktop launcher didn't work, I had to use console, something to do with trust privileges.. I never looked at fixing it, if I get time I'll add the steps.

Console has an error that carrona gtk module was missing so I tried installing that on Raspbian but it made no difference and doesn't appear to affect the Ubuntu W3D in any way
the fix is:
sudo apt-get install libcanberra-gtk-module

With Raspbian I installed the 2.1.7 from the Raspbian repository' it also installed a load of other things like Erlang so maybe its installed out of date libraries also its 32bit which could be another factor, I'm going to try Raspbian on VirtualBox and a fresh install and just try building V2.2.5

RE: Povray crash Linux v2.2.5 - micheus - 01-30-2020

Installing in a real machine and in a virtual machine can bring some trouble/differences - and it's an important information.

Quote:On Ubuntu I need to install Erlang, which I did from their website instructions I used the file
It might be worth mentioning that on the website, the errors in console doesn't really suggest you need to install Erlang
As far as I know, you don't need that.
Erland dependencies is packed on Wings3D install. You find elr it under ~/wings-2.2.5/bin
So, if you were to start it from the command line, being the prompt into the wings folder you should be able to run it like this:
~/wings-2.2.5$ ./bin/erl -pa ./lib/wings-2.2.5/ebin -run wings_start start_halt

I already tried to make Wings3D works in a VirtualBox recently, but I got not success - I always get an {error,no_gl_context,50752}
Although the OpenGL required by Wings3D seems to be available: OpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 19.2.8

So, in order to be able to test Linux issues I need to prepare a real one. Sad

About your tries to Raspbian...
Did you try to install the Wings3D version provided in the Debian repository:

RE: Povray crash Linux v2.2.5 - nigec - 01-30-2020

It maybe because the .Desktop launcher didn't work? to why its not finding erlang

I did nothing special, I just installed Ubuntu on VB then Wings, Erlang, tested Wings then installed and tested Povray.. the virtual machine I set to 2gb ram, 10gb harddrive and fixed..
I've uninstalled that version of Linux, I'm running out of space on my Windows system

However Xubuntu I couldn't get Wings working with that at all on Virtualbox, but I thought it a horrible distro and gave up quickly

Raspbian; I installed using its software installer, it shows 2.1.7 in the list, I think if you run "sudo apt-get install wings3d" that's the version it installs

Wings3D running in VirtualBox [Linux] - micheus - 01-30-2020

Let's try to share here informations about how to get Wings3D running in a SO installed in a virtual machine - VirtualBox.

RE: Wings3D running in VirtualBox [Linux] - micheus - 01-30-2020

Quote:I did nothing special, I just installed Ubuntu on VB then Wings, Erlang, tested Wings then installed and tested Povray.. the virtual machine I set to 2gb ram, 10gb harddrive and fixed..
I'm using VirtualBox 6.1 over Windows 10 and this is my settings:

At Ubuntu I also installed the libcanbera-gtk and mesa. The OpenGL information is this:
micheus@ubuntu-vb:~/wings-2.2.5$ glxinfo | grep "version"
server glx version string: 1.4
client glx version string: 1.4
GLX version: 1.4
    Max core profile version: 0.0
    Max compat profile version: 2.1
    Max GLES1 profile version: 1.1
    Max GLES[23] profile version: 2.0
OpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 19.2.8
OpenGL shading language version string: 1.20
OpenGL ES profile version string: OpenGL ES 2.0 Mesa 19.2.8
OpenGL ES profile shading language version string: OpenGL ES GLSL ES 1.0.16

Wings3D doesn't starts using the shortcut or executable as it happens for you. I tried to start it from the command line:
~/wings-2.2.5$ ./bin/erl -pa ./lib/wings-2.2.5/ebin -run wings_start start_halt

Then I just the the splash screen showing up and a fail in the Erlang console:
Erlang/OTP 22 [erts-10.5] [source] [64-bit] [smp:2:2] [ds:2:2:10] [async-threads:1] [hipe]

Eshell V10.5  (abort with ^G)
1> 2020-01-30T14:01:55.107219-03:00 error:
    wx: error
    message: wxWidgets Assert failure: ../src/gtk/window.cpp(3578): "m_widget != __null" in SetFocus() : invalid window
2020-01-30T14:01:55.143103-03:00 error:
    wx: error
    message: wxWidgets Assert failure: ../src/gtk/window.cpp(4772): "m_widget != __null" in SetDropTarget() : invalid window
Internal Error
Version: 2.2.5
Window: [wings,wings,<0.93.0>]
Reason: {error,{error,no_gl_context,5075},

So, you got more luck than me. Biggrin

RE: Wings3D running in VirtualBox [Linux] - nigec - 01-30-2020

I installed Erlang
sudo dpkg -i erlang-solutions_2.0_all.deb


sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install erlang

then inside the Wings folder
sudo ./wings

For me it did run fine with Ubuntu, with Xubuntu, I just got the Wings splash screen, and openGl warnings

I was getting Erlang complaining one of the .config folders wasn't root but it still seemed to work

RE: Wings3D running in VirtualBox [Linux] - micheus - 01-30-2020

Yeap! That worked. Thanks.

I just installed the latest Erlang we are using (22.2 - esl-erlang_22.2.4-1~ubuntu~bionic_amd64.deb) and a dependency it required during install: sudo apt-get install libsctp1

The warnings I got was about OpenCL - not OpenGL.

So, it seen we also need to build Wings3D from the source if we want it running in any Linux distro installed in a virtual machine. I say that because I didn't get any problem the time I installed it in a VM running Windows using the official installer built for Windows.

RE: Wings3D running in VirtualBox [Linux] - nigec - 01-30-2020

I'm just about to do some more testing and try building Wings from source on VirtualBox for Linux, when I tried earlier it was complaining that the cl library was missing on git but I didn't look deeply into the problem

Hopefully I'll have some good news shortly!