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need help - grznbch - 06-28-2013

Hi, I am just starting with Wings and have no real manual.
So everything is tedious to try out.
How can I move the object back into the y-axis?
Thank you, Grznbch

RE: need help - micheus - 06-28-2013

I think that what you are looking for you can find at Tools menu (alignment options, Put on ground)
You can find many things at this thread: Wings3d Channel Tutorials (by Fonte Boa)
Also, take a look at the Documentation Project thread. Check the The Wings3D Handbook and Dictionary of the Wings3D help

RE: need help - grznbch - 06-28-2013

Thank you Micheus,
I was out to dinner. Right now I don't understand your hints. I also have to study your links.
The whole problem is, that I am trying the impossible. Which means, I have written a lot of text / stories on one hand, and on the other I have created a character.
see: Schnabel means bico de pássaro.
Now I want Abel L. Schnabel to sit behind his desk, and narrate these stories just like a TV speaker. In simple stroke 2D action.
Long time I tried to find someone, who would do the animation work. Without success. So I started to find a program and to learn it by myself, etc. Desperately I chose Anime Studio, not knowing, if it is suitable. It is very hard to find advice for this matter. I try to use the automatic lipsync, since the main issue is talking. And it is lots of text.
Then the problem with the beak: front / side. The AnimeStudio Tutorial 6.8. moho brought up the idea of importing a 3D-beak into Anime Studio. - Yet another program! I just started jesterday with Wings3D, and I am sort of desperate. But I do not want to give up. Still I would prefer to find Abel's animator ... until then I have to rack my brains.

RE: need help - micheus - 06-29-2013

Wings3d doesn't have support for animation. Also, I read that 3D objects can only be imported and manipulated in Anime Studio Pro. Is that the version you have?

As you are using Anime Studio and you want animate drawings, have you aready looked at Papagayo?
Here is a video I found uding both together.

Well, I don't know how to help you, sorry. Sad
I hope someone can.

RE: need help - grznbch - 06-29-2013

Thank you again, Micheus.
Yes I got AS Pro. Yes I know of Papagayo. It's more work than the included automatic lipsync, that uses volume to control mouth movement. I use it to start with, because it is simpler. When I get that working, I can still switch to Papagayo.
Yes, you helped me already, because my first problem became solved with your hints. Once one knows, it's easy.
I love the lizzard video. See you, Grznbch