05-16-2020, 04:44 PM
Quote:Direct download from the Yafaray website works in W3D or the plugin needs update?As oort posts in your thread he was able to test successfully the new version with Wings3D.

The Yafaray project was paused since 2017 and they just get back it this year. The new stuff isn't so relevant that would to require the plugin update:
* New per-material transparency bias for Shiny Diffuse;
* Added Equirectangular camera;
* Angular camera: added "Ortographic" projection;
* Triangle: added "mesh->normals_exported" condition to enable user defined normals.
But, if at any moment you face any kind of crash caused by the plugin let us know about that in the bug reports session.
For Yafaray bugs that should be reported in their development page: Issues.
The latest Yafaray release can be found in Releases