Three things I found that effect work flow are
1/ On Windows 10 the right click options run off the bottom of the model view, on the older Linux version 2.1.7 this doesn't happen.
For me I would right click on the model I'm working on and this often results in the options being off screen and I find my self forced to click higher, this is probably the thing that would make me give up on Wings sadly... we'll see
2/ When you select an image to use as a AO, Roughness, metallic, or height, the warning dialog that its not a grey scale map is up in the top corner and easily missed resulting in the Wings appears to be unresponsive
3/ the mode select icons have to be clicked twice, first time to swap focus from the work area.. I think this is more a WX issue
Are any of the plugins modified to use PBR textures?
Wish list item would be a ply exporter, it would make a luxcore plugin a bit easier to develop
1/ On Windows 10 the right click options run off the bottom of the model view, on the older Linux version 2.1.7 this doesn't happen.
For me I would right click on the model I'm working on and this often results in the options being off screen and I find my self forced to click higher, this is probably the thing that would make me give up on Wings sadly... we'll see

2/ When you select an image to use as a AO, Roughness, metallic, or height, the warning dialog that its not a grey scale map is up in the top corner and easily missed resulting in the Wings appears to be unresponsive
3/ the mode select icons have to be clicked twice, first time to swap focus from the work area.. I think this is more a WX issue
Are any of the plugins modified to use PBR textures?
Wish list item would be a ply exporter, it would make a luxcore plugin a bit easier to develop