From the top of my mind I think you cold do something like this bellow. I don't have a way to test it here at my work.
In somewhere that you want to insert it in the export_dialog_qs(Op, Attr) by calling render_pass_frame(Attr):
This is a supposed code for create the fields in dialog. To read the fields to fill the export file will be very similar to render_pass_frame.
I'm not an erlang expert, so it can be wrong.
Could you try this code?
In somewhere that you want to insert it in the export_dialog_qs(Op, Attr) by calling render_pass_frame(Attr):
%% Render
-define(DEF_RENDER_PASS, disabled).
-define(DEF_LIGHTING_METHOD, directlighting).
export_prefs() ->
RenderPass =
lists:foldl(fun(N, Acc) ->
end, [], lists:seq(1,32)),
{dof_distance,?DEF_DOF_DISTANCE}] ++ RenderPass.
export_dialog_qs(Op, Attr) ->
{vframe, render_pass_frame(Attr)}
render_pass_frame(Attr) ->
PassLabel = ?__(1,"Pass"),
lists:foldl(fun(N, Acc) ->
Id = {pass,N},
Value = get_pref(Id, Attr),
Acc++[{hframe, [
{label, PassLabel ++ io_lib:format(" (~w)", [N])},
{menu, render_pass_menu(), Value ,[key(Id)]}
end, [], lists:seq(1,32)).
render_pass_menu() ->
I'm not an erlang expert, so it can be wrong.
Could you try this code?