Quote:(2) About Context menu (user calls it by RMB click):
(2a) Context Menu just close if user clicks twice in a empty place in geometry window ou if user clicks on a geometry.
(2b) Each time user RMB clicks, it appears a Context Menu and it remains opened if user RMB clicks again: the correct would be to open a Context Menu and close the anterior one.
(2c) [Esc] key used to close Context Menu: now it doesnt work, unless you press it and, then, move mouse cursor on the geometry. Then Context Menu closes.
Those observations are valid to Tweak Menu and UV Editor Menu, except Sculpt Menu (that is problematic too).
I don't have that problem or I don't understand what you mean.
RMB open menu
LMB outside of menu, closes the menu
MMB outside of menu does nothing
RMB outside of menu, closes the first one and reopens the menu in new place.
Tested on Windows-10