(11-15-2016, 04:28 PM)kugelfang Wrote: With the new window set up I don't see any way to hide the display of the abcd texture in the AutoUV window. This feature was available in earlier versions. If I delete the auvBG texture from the Outliner it clears it from the AutoUV window. But only temporarily. The next time I open the AutoUV window for the same object (or any object), Wings recreates the auvBG texture and reassigns it to the object material.Yeah, I know that. It's something we lost when changing to the new UI implementation.
Not the best suggestion, but at least you can play with the UV mesh without see the ABCD texture. As you don't care, just create a default texture using the background (color white).
It can be reassign to any other object in your scene and you can remove it at the end of your work before export it.