(12-06-2016, 09:16 AM)tkbd Wrote: I tried test by several Illustrator 8 EPS and Postscript files.Hi tkbd, I was taking a look on this to see if I'm able to do something about (still, not sure I can).
Apparently it seems to have failed to acquire the bounding box.
And the problem occurred even with very simple data.
This is simple EPS Test data,You can this copy and paste the data and to save named with "test.eps".
(This data simply draw a triangle.)
Code:%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0
%%BoundingBox: 0 0 240 90
newpath 170 50 moveto 140 60 lineto 140 30 lineto 170 50 closepath stroke showpage
Checking the wpc_ps.erl code and some specifications I noticed two things related to your sample:
1) The %%BoundingBox tag is used for nothing by Wings3D. It calls internal bbox function after process the .ps file in order to get that information.
2) The %%Pages is absent in the sample file;
"The file should be a single page image (in DSC terms, the %%Pages comment must have a value of 0 or 1)."
Wings3D code note for after_end_setup_ps/1:
% skip until after %%Page: 1 1 line, as we currently use nothing before that,
% then convert rest of binary to list of characters
as it's never found, that results in a null list ([]) which is the initial reason for the crash.
So, it seems like the exporter ins't creating a proper .ps file.
Anyway, maybe we need a better feedback to the user, instead of a single crash.