04-05-2019, 01:16 PM
Specific Rules
From: Submissions must to include a screenshot of your work in Flat shader mode and the splash screen image with size of 620x348 (16:9 aspect ratio; The image can be a screenshot of the Geometry window, but respecting that dimensions);
To: Submissions must to include two images: 1) a screenshot of your work in Flat shader mode (any size); 2) the splash screen image with size of 620x348 (16:9 aspect ratio; The image can be a screenshot of the Geometry window, but respecting that dimensions);
From: No post production allowed;
To: A minor post production is allowed, like a background inclusion, color adjustment, but it's not allowed to include other elements in the scene in this step;
From: Submissions must to include a screenshot of your work in Flat shader mode and the splash screen image with size of 620x348 (16:9 aspect ratio; The image can be a screenshot of the Geometry window, but respecting that dimensions);
To: Submissions must to include two images: 1) a screenshot of your work in Flat shader mode (any size); 2) the splash screen image with size of 620x348 (16:9 aspect ratio; The image can be a screenshot of the Geometry window, but respecting that dimensions);
From: No post production allowed;
To: A minor post production is allowed, like a background inclusion, color adjustment, but it's not allowed to include other elements in the scene in this step;