03-03-2020, 10:29 AM
dgud Wrote:Fixed 'Microsoft SanSerif', 'Platino Linotype' could not render space ' ' character :-)dgud,Thank you fix font name problems.
dgud Wrote:Fixed by removing '@' before searching for font file, what does the @ mean?This works like a virtual font name,and this feature is WindowsOS Only (Maybe it since Win3.x).
IF add the @ symbol with font name selection,It can be vertical writing display rotate 90 degree with counter clock work.
But multi OS support,I think recommended that font names begin with @ be excluded.
I found more reliable information about '@' font.
See a following links.
Why do some font names begin with an at-sign? from microsoft developper Blog
For example case that using @font in Autodesk software supportpage (The original page doesn't English version, so I used Google Translation).
In the orient from long ago, the inscriptions on all monuments are usually engraved vertical writting.
Therefore, there is a demand for using vertical 3D text in 3D work.
dgud Wrote:Do you have a link to a font with non-latin name?Yes I have,how about these site?
WAZU JAPAN's Gallery of Unicode Fonts (It is English page)
Tons of links and resource information for Non-latin fonts(other than CJK font).
The list of non latin font that proprietary softwares make installed together.
A following are proprietary font name list.
HGゴシックE, HGPゴシックE, HGSゴシックE, HGゴシックM, HGPゴシックM, HGSゴシックM, HG明朝B, HGP明朝B, HGS明朝B, HG明朝E, HGP明朝E, HGS明朝E, HG行書体, HGP行書体, HGS行書体, HG教科書体, HGP教科書体, HGS教科書体, HG創英角ゴシックUB, HGP創英角ゴシックUB, HGS創英角ゴシックUB, HG創英角ポップ体, HGP創英角ポップ体, HGS創英角ポップ体, HG創英プレゼンスEB, HGP創英プレゼンスEB, HGS創英プレゼンスEB, HG丸ゴシックM-Pro, HG正楷書体PRO, メイリオ, Meiryo UI,
MS ゴシック, MS Pゴシック, MS 明朝, MS P明朝, メイリオ, 游ゴシック, 游明朝,
Tamil MN, Tamil MN Bold, Tamil Sangam MN, Tamil Sangam MN Bold, Telugu MN, Telugu MN Bold, Telugu Sangam MN, Telugu Sangam MN Bold, Times New Roman Bold Italic, Times New Roman Bold, Times New Roman Italic, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS Bold Italic, Trebuchet MS Bold, Trebuchet MS Italic, Trebuchet MS, Verdana Bold Italic, Verdana Bold, Verdana Italic, Verdana, Waseem, Waseem Light, Wawati SC Regular, Wawati TC Regular, Webdings, Weibei SC Bold, Weibei TC Bold, Wingdings 2, Wingdings 3, Wingdings, Xingkai SC Bold, Xingkai SC Light, YuGothic Bold, YuGothic Medium, YuMincho Demibold, YuMincho Medium, Yuanti SC Bold, Yuanti SC Light, Yuanti SC Regular, Yuppy SC Regular, Yuppy TC Regular, Zapfino, Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro W4, Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN W4, Hiragino Mincho Pro W3, Hiragino Mincho Pro W6, Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro W3, Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro W6, Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std W8, Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN W8, LiSong Pro, LiHei Pro, STFangsong, STXihei, STHeiti,
小塚ゴシック Pr6N B, 小塚ゴシック Pr6N EL, 小塚ゴシック Pr6N H, 小塚ゴシック Pr6N L, 小塚ゴシック Pr6N M, 小塚ゴシック Pr6N R, 小塚ゴシック Pro B, 小塚ゴシック Pro EL, 小塚ゴシック Pro H, 小塚ゴシック Pro L, 小塚ゴシック Pro M, 小塚ゴシック Pro R, 小塚明朝 Pr6N B, 小塚明朝 Pr6N EL, 小塚明朝 Pr6N H, 小塚明朝 Pr6N L, 小塚明朝 Pr6N M, 小塚明朝 Pr6N R, 小塚明朝 Pro B, 小塚明朝 Pro EL, 小塚明朝 Pro H, 小塚明朝 Pro L, 小塚明朝 Pro M, 小塚明朝 Pro R,
CRC&G流麗行書体, CRC&G流麗太行書体, CRC&G由紀葉太楷書体, CRC&G行刻, CRC&Gブーケ, CRC&Gれいしっく, CRバジョカ廉書体, CRバジョカ隅書体, AR行楷書体H, AR行書体B, AR楷書体M, AR隷書体M, AR宋朝体M, AR丸印篆B, AR勘亭流H, AR丸ゴシック体M, AR悠々ゴシック体E, ARハイカラPOP体H, ARPOP4B, DF行楷書W5, DF行書体W7, DF魏碑体W7, DFクラフト墨W9, DF京劇体W7, DF華藝体W6, DFロマン雪W9, DFPOPミックスW4, DFてがき桃W4, HG岸本楷書体, HG白洲太楷書体, HG白洲行草書体, HG白洲ペン楷書体, HG平成角ゴシック体W9, HG平成明朝体W9, HG創英丸ポップ体, CRC&G流麗連綿体、 AR行楷連綿体L、AR行楷連綿体H,
In Japanese font name usually use, "Hankaku Kana" characters
If these cannot be handled properly, it may cause a hang.
It seems that there is also a Japanese font also installed when MSOffice is installed.
Other font download links (OSS font)
Font Library .org
Google Noto font
dgud,You are working very hard.
Thanks again!