11-12-2021, 02:41 AM
Quote:To test,Please, can you detail the step 3:
1) in another program I've created a single cube and saved as an obj.
2) This opens fine in 2.2.7.
3) I then applied an image texture to the cube and saved again. This one crashes.
- Was the .obj UV mapped in the other app?
- if not, was UV mapped in Wings3D before you assign the image?
- How did you assigned the image? you have loaded from HD or created it in Wings3D just for test(like one of those patterns, checkers, horiz line, vert line);
- Does the object has any material assigned to it or were you using the default one and attached the image to its Base Color property?
Sorry, but I need these information in order to try replicate the issue, because I couldn't.
Eventually, you can share this problematic file (as a .wings files) and then I try to export it here and see if I can get the issie.