I'm not sure about the version beharvior...
Anyway, you can check the OpenCL information by typing in the Command Prompt (on Windows): $> clinfo
My result for an on-board AMD Radeon HD6470 (my notebook):
Sorry, clinfo.exe is available only if you have installed AMD Stream SDK.
So, if you want check for all your graphic card information you can try the GPU Caps Viewer.
That I installed a long date on my desktop with NVidia and that returns me: OpenCL 1.1.
and I don't have any problem by using the OpenCL stuff of Wings3d.
Anyway, you can check the OpenCL information by typing in the Command Prompt (on Windows): $> clinfo
My result for an on-board AMD Radeon HD6470 (my notebook):
Number of platforms: 1
Platform Profile: FULL_PROFILE
Platform Version: OpenCL 1.2 AMD-APP (923.1)
Platform Name: AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing
Sorry, clinfo.exe is available only if you have installed AMD Stream SDK.
So, if you want check for all your graphic card information you can try the GPU Caps Viewer.
That I installed a long date on my desktop with NVidia and that returns me: OpenCL 1.1.
and I don't have any problem by using the OpenCL stuff of Wings3d.