povmaniac, I was playing with Blend material and I found that unused materials are not been exported. So, we always will get an error by using that material. As a workaround I created other objects to assign each material used.
It's probably that I'm not knowing how to use/configure the settings for blending materials, since even checking Blend Material and Blend mapping I was not able to get the expected result when mixing Shiny Diffuse (UV mapped) and Rough Glass materials:
So, Is it possible so mix these materials?
I was expecting for something like that:
obs: the scene file is here.
It's probably that I'm not knowing how to use/configure the settings for blending materials, since even checking Blend Material and Blend mapping I was not able to get the expected result when mixing Shiny Diffuse (UV mapped) and Rough Glass materials:
So, Is it possible so mix these materials?
I was expecting for something like that:
obs: the scene file is here.