(10-26-2013, 05:25 PM)povmaniac Wrote: Btw.. 'Save' and 'Load' options work fine... but I obtain an crash with 'Reset'As dgud said it's related to default values, since Reset will bring they back.
Code:Dump written 2013-10-26_13-48
Version: 1.5.pre1.74.g2aee
Window: {dialog,#Ref<>}
Reason: {case_clause,{1.0,50.0}}
The validator value in the dump is set by range_1(sss_depth) -> {1.0,50.0}; and there was a integer constant being assigned to the field.
I had already fixed these two constants before. Do this changes to yaf_defines.erl:
Line 132: -define(DEF_SSS_DEPTH, 15.0).
Line 134: -define(DEF_SSS_SINGLESCATTER_SAMPLES, 32.0).
Back to DOF value: what about to use the distance calculated from AIM - as Kerkythea and POV-Ray already do - to set the initial value to the DOF field? This way, if the user want to change it the field will still be there to be changed.
By playing with Aim I found it simple to correctly set the DOF.
If OK, I can add its suppor.
EDIT: I just saw that the exporter code (export_camera/3) is already using the distance to Aim too. So, maybe would we just remove this field from the dialog?