12-17-2012, 03:41 AM
(12-16-2012, 07:48 PM)puzzledpaul Wrote: Re issue of of new prims always @ origin.
What about a tick box / radio button that (when ticked) allows user to freely move the prim after its dialog box closes / parameters are accepted?
This would be really useful, esp. with the new previews--you can now see the object as created. You could then snap it wherever you want.
(12-16-2012, 09:42 PM)puzzledpaul Wrote: orThat's the one I follow for architectural modelling too. Shell Extract a face, then Absolute Scale (if necessary) and Snap it. Lot more convenient than creating, scaling ... and works most of the time, except in the cases you've already mentioned.
Look for an existing feature / shape similar to that which I want to create ... and either dupe it, or shell extrude a new object eg a cylinder from a local end face of another cyl.
Unfortunately, it's not possible to copy / paste between two instances of Wings. But you can use the Absolute Move command to move it interactively out of the clutter; then Snap. (With shortcuts in place, it's a snap!)
[And, not that I'm not happy (thrilled) at what's already on offer. ]