About Wings3D coding and the Git repository
- https://github.com/dgud/wings/wiki (by bjorng)
- Coding Guidelines (by bjorng)
Some tips you need to know before make a pull request to the main repository at GitHub:
- Make one commit for every change/fix;
- A good commits should be as follow
- https://github.com/dgud/wings/wiki (by bjorng)
- Coding Guidelines (by bjorng)
Some tips you need to know before make a pull request to the main repository at GitHub:
- Make one commit for every change/fix;
- A good commits should be as follow
Quote:- First line: What have you done max 60 characters!!!
- Second line: shall be empty:
- Then you should write why you did it.
- After that a note if a release note should be included, with possible thanks
i.g. NOTE: Added feature xxxxxxx, thanks <name>
*1. Don't start with: "It was ...". Write "Added ... feature" or "Fixed ..." instead;
*2. None lines should have more than 80 characters! Add a new line to continue writing.