Micheus ... this is a test REPLY.
Not working correct yet. Padding at ends logic needs help. And Polykind parameter must get used.
Not working correct yet. Padding at ends logic needs help. And Polykind parameter must get used.
%% http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7054272/how-to-draw-smooth-curve-through-n-points-using-javascript-html5-canvas
%% TEST : cardinal_spline([0.0,0.0, 1.0,0.0, 1.0,1.0, 0.0,0.0], 12)
cardinal_spline(PTS, PolyKind, NumOfSegments) when is_integer(NumOfSegments)
when PolyKind == polyline orelse PolyKind == polygon ->
Tension = 0.7,
Len = length(PTS),
_Pts = fun(I0) ->
I = I0 + Len,
lists:nth((I rem Len) + 1,PTS)
Fun = fun
(I, Acc) ->
Fun1 = fun(T, Acc1) ->
%% calc tension vectors
T1X = (element(1,_Pts(I+1)) - element(1,_Pts(I-1))) * Tension,
T2X = (element(1,_Pts(I+2)) - element(1,_Pts(I))) * Tension,
T1Y = (element(2,_Pts(I+1)) - element(2,_Pts(I-1))) * Tension,
T2Y = (element(2,_Pts(I+2)) - element(2,_Pts(I))) * Tension,
T1Z = (element(3,_Pts(I+1)) - element(3,_Pts(I-1))) * Tension,
T2Z = (element(3,_Pts(I+2)) - element(3,_Pts(I))) * Tension,
%% calc step
ST = 1.0 * T / NumOfSegments,
%% calc cardinals
C1 = 2.0 * pow(ST,3.0) - 3.0 * pow(ST,2.0) + 1.0,
C2 = -(2.0 * pow(ST,3.0)) + 3.0 * pow(ST,2.0),
C3 = pow(ST,3.0) - 2.0 * pow(ST,2.0) + ST,
C4 = pow(ST,3.0) - pow(ST,2.0),
%% calc x and y cords with common control vectors
X = C1 * element(1,_Pts(I)) + C2 * element(1,_Pts(I+1)) + C3 * T1X + C4 * T2X,
Y = C1 * element(2,_Pts(I)) + C2 * element(2,_Pts(I+1)) + C3 * T1Y + C4 * T2Y,
Z = C1 * element(3,_Pts(I)) + C2 * element(3,_Pts(I+1)) + C3 * T1Z + C4 * T2Z,
lists:foldl(Fun1, Acc, lists:seq(0,NumOfSegments-1))
lists:foldl(Fun, [], lists:seq(1,length(PTS)-0)).