Here is a link to YafaRay, another good Rendering software...YafaRay Website.
Here is a link to the YafaRay Gallery so you can see what can be done with it...YafaRay Gallery.
YafaRay replaced old Yafray. YafaRay is much faster than the old Yafray. The official Wings3D 1.4.1 still contains a plug-in for the old Yafray.
You can still get the old Yafray software for windows on my Wings3D page... oort's Wings3D page.
If you want to use the new YafaRay with Wings3D you will need to get the Wings3D YafaRay plug-in, which is also on my Wings3D page...oort's Wings3D page. Most everything in YafaRay is available through the Wings3D YafaRay plug-in. Here is a pdf that lists all the available features...Supported Features.
In the old Wings3D users forum you can see some renders I have done with Wings3D and my Wings3D YafaRay plug-in...Wings3D/YafaRay examples. Most images are of SSS (Subsurface Scattering) renders. You will need to install YafaRay 0.1.3 Experimental in order to use SSS.
I have started a thread in this new forum as well...Wings3D YafaRay renders
Go to the following link for more info on my Wings3D YafaRay plug-in... YafaRay plug-in.
Edit2: You can download the latest Windows, Mac and Linux versions of YafaRay here... YafaRay
Make sure you download the version of YafaRay that is compatible with your PC. Download the 32bit version for 32bit PC's and the 64bit version for 64bit PC's.
And the latest OSX versions of YafaRay here...OSX Version of YafaRay
Edit3: To install the Wings3D YafaRay plug-in, you simply File > Install Plug-In > Browse to the tar file. If you have previously installed the plug-in with the beam file, make sure you delete any older Wings3D YafaRay plug-in files in the Wings3D plug-in folders before installing the tar file. If you don't you may not see the updated version of the plug-in.
To configure the Wings3D YafaRay plug-in, you simply Edit > Plug-in Preferences > YafaRay > Browse to the Executable ("C:\YafaRay\bin" folder).
Depending on the version of YafaRay you are using, you may need to add "-pp C:\YafaRay\bin\plugins", without " ", so that YafaRay can find the YafaRay plugin folder. Your path may vary...
Note: YafaRay cannot output images if the output path or file name has spaces. Use "_" instead of spaces in your folder names... Edit4 : This problem was solved thanks to help from Micheus. You can use spaces in file names.
Note2: Your YafaRay folder has to be listed in your computers path. BE VERY CAREFUL WHEN ADDING IT. RMB on My Computer > Properties > Advanced Tab > Environment Variables > User Variables (Top window) > Path > Edit > Variable Value > add "C:\YafaRay", without " ". notice that each added item has a semicolon ( ; ) before and after it. Your actual path may vary and it is case sensitive. The installer for the YafaRay rendering software should be doing this but it seems it doesn't...
These instructions are based on Windows XP Professional.
Here is a link to the YafaRay Gallery so you can see what can be done with it...YafaRay Gallery.
YafaRay replaced old Yafray. YafaRay is much faster than the old Yafray. The official Wings3D 1.4.1 still contains a plug-in for the old Yafray.
You can still get the old Yafray software for windows on my Wings3D page... oort's Wings3D page.
If you want to use the new YafaRay with Wings3D you will need to get the Wings3D YafaRay plug-in, which is also on my Wings3D page...oort's Wings3D page. Most everything in YafaRay is available through the Wings3D YafaRay plug-in. Here is a pdf that lists all the available features...Supported Features.
In the old Wings3D users forum you can see some renders I have done with Wings3D and my Wings3D YafaRay plug-in...Wings3D/YafaRay examples. Most images are of SSS (Subsurface Scattering) renders. You will need to install YafaRay 0.1.3 Experimental in order to use SSS.
I have started a thread in this new forum as well...Wings3D YafaRay renders
Go to the following link for more info on my Wings3D YafaRay plug-in... YafaRay plug-in.
Edit2: You can download the latest Windows, Mac and Linux versions of YafaRay here... YafaRay
Make sure you download the version of YafaRay that is compatible with your PC. Download the 32bit version for 32bit PC's and the 64bit version for 64bit PC's.
And the latest OSX versions of YafaRay here...OSX Version of YafaRay
Edit3: To install the Wings3D YafaRay plug-in, you simply File > Install Plug-In > Browse to the tar file. If you have previously installed the plug-in with the beam file, make sure you delete any older Wings3D YafaRay plug-in files in the Wings3D plug-in folders before installing the tar file. If you don't you may not see the updated version of the plug-in.
To configure the Wings3D YafaRay plug-in, you simply Edit > Plug-in Preferences > YafaRay > Browse to the Executable ("C:\YafaRay\bin" folder).
Depending on the version of YafaRay you are using, you may need to add "-pp C:\YafaRay\bin\plugins", without " ", so that YafaRay can find the YafaRay plugin folder. Your path may vary...
Note: YafaRay cannot output images if the output path or file name has spaces. Use "_" instead of spaces in your folder names... Edit4 : This problem was solved thanks to help from Micheus. You can use spaces in file names.
Note2: Your YafaRay folder has to be listed in your computers path. BE VERY CAREFUL WHEN ADDING IT. RMB on My Computer > Properties > Advanced Tab > Environment Variables > User Variables (Top window) > Path > Edit > Variable Value > add "C:\YafaRay", without " ". notice that each added item has a semicolon ( ; ) before and after it. Your actual path may vary and it is case sensitive. The installer for the YafaRay rendering software should be doing this but it seems it doesn't...
