I'm a newbie into Wings3D use and into 3D modelling but I found Wings3D very nice and I'm willing to learn more.
I'm mainly using Wings3D for electronic components 3D design. I'm using the 1.5.0 release (manifoldlab patch) since I need the CSG.
I have a couple of problems:
1) how can I align one shape 'face' to those of another shape without deforming both shapes? Up to now I simply get the X, Y or Z coordinate of the face I wish to align to then I do an absolute move (checking 'moving object') of the matching face in the shape I wish to move. The result is good but I hope there's a some more easy and speedy way.
2) As I stated before I use CSG to create passing holes in shapes. After using this particular tool the resulting shape inerith some new 'hard' edge due to the subdivision of the 'drilled' faces. This subdivision (that's perfectly logical for me) seems to be a little confusing for some VRML viewer (unfortunately the final target of my whole job). Such viewer seems to fail understanding where the surface has its new 'hole' maybe because the surrounding polygon it's neither a triangle nor any other convex surface. I found that exporting to STL then re-import the STL mesh before converting to the final VRML object forces Wings3d to increase subdivisions (turning also hard edges into soft ones and strange shaped polygons in simpler convex ones) and this seems to fix the VRML viewer issues.
How can 'manually' force Wings3d to operate the subdivision that is intrinsically done in STL mesh export?
Thanks everyone for any Help!
Best Regards
I'm a newbie into Wings3D use and into 3D modelling but I found Wings3D very nice and I'm willing to learn more.
I'm mainly using Wings3D for electronic components 3D design. I'm using the 1.5.0 release (manifoldlab patch) since I need the CSG.
I have a couple of problems:
1) how can I align one shape 'face' to those of another shape without deforming both shapes? Up to now I simply get the X, Y or Z coordinate of the face I wish to align to then I do an absolute move (checking 'moving object') of the matching face in the shape I wish to move. The result is good but I hope there's a some more easy and speedy way.
2) As I stated before I use CSG to create passing holes in shapes. After using this particular tool the resulting shape inerith some new 'hard' edge due to the subdivision of the 'drilled' faces. This subdivision (that's perfectly logical for me) seems to be a little confusing for some VRML viewer (unfortunately the final target of my whole job). Such viewer seems to fail understanding where the surface has its new 'hole' maybe because the surrounding polygon it's neither a triangle nor any other convex surface. I found that exporting to STL then re-import the STL mesh before converting to the final VRML object forces Wings3d to increase subdivisions (turning also hard edges into soft ones and strange shaped polygons in simpler convex ones) and this seems to fix the VRML viewer issues.
How can 'manually' force Wings3d to operate the subdivision that is intrinsically done in STL mesh export?
Thanks everyone for any Help!
Best Regards