(wings3d, windows 7)
Difficult to explain, but very annoying.
I've verified initially using Edge|Slide, but i could find the problem in any command.
I call a command using a shortcut and begin its execution immediatly, moving the mouse quickly. The command execution is interrupted (a) when cursor reaches Geometry window border or goes ouside it, or (b) when cursor reaches any temporary selection of the geometry (highlighting selection). But it is possible to reproduce the problem simply reducing/eliminating the time between command shortcut and moving cursor.
Really bad. And critical.
The problem disappears if Tweak mode is OFF.
Difficult to explain, but very annoying.
I've verified initially using Edge|Slide, but i could find the problem in any command.
I call a command using a shortcut and begin its execution immediatly, moving the mouse quickly. The command execution is interrupted (a) when cursor reaches Geometry window border or goes ouside it, or (b) when cursor reaches any temporary selection of the geometry (highlighting selection). But it is possible to reproduce the problem simply reducing/eliminating the time between command shortcut and moving cursor.
Really bad. And critical.
The problem disappears if Tweak mode is OFF.