(03-19-2014, 12:54 AM)oort Wrote: Should it be listed as "Rotate Snap Image" instead of "Rotate Snap Mode"???Damn copy and past.
Quote:If I hit Tab to enter a numeric value > Enter a Value > Reset > Cancel, I am then only able to rotate in one direction.I needed to understand better the wings_drag module. It's fixed now. [file updated]
Quote:Clicking in the Geometry Window gets control back. I need to be more careful when moving the mouse...You can use the constraint keys for avoid it (SHIFT or ALT).
Quote:I see that "Reset" brings back the previous state. Would it be good to also be able to bring back the image's original state?I can't see this option. The most close of it I found in Proportional Scale->Actual Size ("Reset image to its actual size").